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CFRFC-30 Near Infrared InGaAS GaAsSb Camera

CFRFC-30 Near Infrared InGaAS GaAsSb Camera

Nikon Plan Achromat Oil Immersion Objective

Nikon Plan Achromat Oil Immersion Objective

Assembling the relay mirror

Assembling the relay mirror

Microscope eyepiece

Microscope eyepiece

High-performance micro-display eyepiece

High-performance micro-display eyepiece

Precision eyepiece

Precision eyepiece

12X English/Metric Linear Scaler

12X English/Metric Linear Scaler

Teledyne Lumenera INFINITY 显微相机

Teledyne Lumenera INFINITY 显微相机

USB Digital Microscope

USB Digital Microscope

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